How very annoying!
Hello All
I’m rather annoyed that I’m unable to see you as I’ve come down with a bug. Don’t all panic and jump to the incorrect assumption that it’s covid. Anyway, aren’t we are meant to be learning to life with it, just as we do with lots of other illnesses, as it’s not going to suddenly disappear.
So, we’ve ascertained it’s not covid, there are plenty of other bugs out there that we’ve lost our immunity to due to the lack of mingling during the never ending lockdowns. My symptoms aren’t even the same for the dreaded C and numerous lateral flows are all coming back negative, yes I know they are only 60% accurate but I’ve done loads lol.
This bug is like a cold that’s not coming out and an occasional feeling of swollen tonsils with an odd croak when I talk. I felt rotten yesterday but am fine today but can’t see you as I don’t want to risk you catching the bug. As I said, so frustrating!
A massive thank you to the lovely gents who have been patient and so gracious when I’ve had to rearrange our arrangements due this bug and the day before when my bathroom plumbing fail flooded the kitchen!
I must also apologise (again) to the lovely gent who I rang by mistake when I was trying to respond to a different voicemail. I was prattling on about how I wasn’t feeling well so wouldn’t be able to meet, he took it in his stride but must think I’m totally nuts. By the way I did love your card you left with the pictures of erections.
On a slightly different topic, there seems to be a large number of men in their 50s suffering from the privileged white male syndrome. Please note it’s rather offensive, don’t do it. Who you are and how you treat people, not the colour of your skin, is what makes you a good and decent person.
So, back onto topic, the upshot is that I hope to be back on Tuesday. I have other commitments on Monday so if I take the weekend off to shift this bug Tuesday is the earliest I will be able to see you. I will of course have my phone nearish so if you want to ring to prebook that’s fine.
The good news for those of you that prefer appointments that run a little later into the evening, from Tuesday for just under 2 weeks I will be able to take appointments a little beyond my usual 8pm finish ~ say a 10pm finish.
I will look forward to making up for lost time with you soon.
Adele x