Please explain to me how you think that is right…
Here I am, having been a nice person AGAIN and having been let down AGAIN! I gave someone the benefit of the doubt and allowed him to book in for hours before my normal working hours without a deposit and guess what I’ve been let down AGAIN!
I have gone to great lengths, putting myself out and changing my plans, even where I stayed last night to accommodate the request. This isn’t the first time.
After the weekend of unsavouries I’m beginning to wonder is there something very unsavoury in the air in Fareham that is effecting the brain cell(s) of the majority of contacts. I should point out that the genuine gents who visit are quite simply fabulous and we have a great time but they are in the minority – as low as 1% of contacts.
So what do I have to do to avoid the unsavouries?
Perhaps I should stress that I report all bad behaviour and timewasters (that’s full details guys) to the adult industry real time alert systems. These system allows all adult industry workers to access details and it also feeds into the Police database. Still want to be a prat?
Genuine gents have nothing to worry about as calling out the undesirable it actually makes it safer for you too.
On the day bookings will remain as they are – no deposit requirement for the time being.
However, I’m now have to be much stricter (no matter how busy I am and wish to avoid the extra admin) and insist on a 50% deposit for all advance bookings. If you wish to book outside of my normal working hours full payment will be required at the time of booking.
Please let me know if you wish to express your anger at this requirement, I will happily give you a list of idiots’ phone numbers for you to call and tell them exactly what you think of how their actions have impacted you.
If someone can explain to me the absolutely awful behaviour of the majority of contacts I receive please do as I’m at a total loss how these individuals function in society.
Genuine and respectful gents are always welcome.
Adele x