Oh dear…
I hope this isn’t as awkward to read as it was writing. If it is, you should have seen the several earlier versions that I thought better of.
I always wonder when reading anything on the internet what the agenda was. Clearly my website is aimed at enticing you to book my services, arrive and have a fabulous time for the fee charged.
When a lady is reviewed what is the agenda? Is the interpretation of events a case of little head takes over big heard? Perhaps self-ego stroking? Maybe malice or possibly naivety?
Gents please be aware that what you write can have serious repercussions for the lady in respect of her safety. If you declare that you have obtained more than what is advertised and an unscrupulous person decides they want and will take your fantasy for themself, by whatever means, where does that leave the lady in question? Hey-ho what does it matter as you got to look like a hero for 30 seconds as any fallout is not your problem!
Ladies have no recourse when details expressed don’t match the reality but luckily in this case the main details that could have had an impact on my own and my gentleman visitors’ safety and privacy have been edited out which I am extremely grateful for.
However, other details that could put me in a very bad situation are still shown. Let’s hope I manage to screen out any unsavouries that want to take the fantasy as their own.
To avoid expectation gaps in respect of my boundaries and what I consent to please RELY ON THE DETAIL PENNED BY ME ON MY WEBSITE and not random thoughts expressed by any third party:
I would particularly point out that:
- Discretion is paramount, that means from you too!
- I don’t pencil anyone in my diary. I only accept specific appointments otherwise my diary would be full of ridiculous timewasters.
- My no touching by you policy is clearly stated on my advertising.
- You will get the time you pay for; I don’t short-change time but do NOT expect extra free time as you will be disappointed.
- You will pay my fee due, over and above any deposit already paid, in cash on arrival. Please don’t make me suspicious of your intentions and uncomfortable in your presence by making me ask for my fee.
- If you are wriggling about it’s impossible to undertake a “real” massage.
- I do not partake in any underage scenarios as these leave my blood running cold. I have never and will never refer to you as “boy”, naughty or otherwise.
Oddly, it has also been established I’m not “stunning” or “in the first flush of youth” but as I never claimed to be either it’s strange that anyone would find it necessary to point that out in what they claim to be a positive review. There’s a term for that; back handed compliment. Perhaps the writer was reflecting his own insecurities?
So gents, if you wish to book in with a lady “of pleasant appearance” possibly not totally akin to an old hag but with a zimmer frame please do get in touch!
Finally, I would point out that you are being invited into my home, well for the time being at least. As anyone would, I have the expectation that you behave in a respectful and discreet manner, before, during and after our meet. If you struggle with that concept, please don’t contact me.
Still want to book? Lol
Stay safe in this heat.
Adele x